Platform that enhances the value of Atlassian products in the cloud

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Platform that enhances the value of Atlassian products in the cloud


D-Accel offers a solution to common issues that customers face while implementing and managing cloud versions of Atlassian products.

To use this platform, you can simply add it as an app on Jira Cloud or Confluence Cloud.

Solving operational issues for Atlassian cloud products with D-Accel

Manage View Permission

Manage View

Managing View Permission settings across multiple projects and spaces is challenging, posing security risks.

D-Accel Security

The solution to this is:

Streamline User Inventory

User Inventory

Revoking access permissions for licensed users who have not accessed the product within a specific time frame is challenging.

Streamline User Inventory

The solution to this is:
User Inventory

Audit Log Retention Period

Audit Log
Retention Period

Atlassian's audit logs are retained only for up to 180 days, which can pose retention issues for audit management.

Audit Log Retention Period

The solution to this is:
Audit Log

Visualize Product Usage

Product Usage

Viewing comprehensive product usage data across multiple sites is difficult, hindering optimal decision-making.

Visualize Product Usage

The solution to this is:
Product Statistics Data

Visualize User Usage

User Usage

Manage user usage efficiently is hard due to a lack of tracking licensed users with accessing data.

Visualize User Usage

The solution to this is:
User Activity

Manage IP Allow List

IP Allow List

Not thoroughly reviewing all permissions and IP addresses granted to a website or product can result in configuration errors and security management issues.

Manage IP Allow List

The solution to this is:
IP Allow List



Introducing the main features of D-Accel.
Click on the image to play introduction video.

Security Security

Easily check and manage View Permission for projects and spaces across multiple sites on one screen, preventing potential security issues caused by administrator misconfigurations.

Applicable Settings

  • 1.Sharing public Jira systems
  • 2.Jira project access level:
    WarningWarning Permission Bug JRACLOUD-80945
  • 3.Jira dashboard access levels
  • 4.Jira filter access levels
  • 5.Confluence space access levels
  • 6.Sharing public Confluence system※
    ※ Currently NOT supported by D-Accel

Applicable Access Level

  • Public - all including anonymous users without logged-in
  • Open - all logged-in users
  • Private - limited users only

Learn more about the operation guide from the link below.

User Inventory User Inventory

Track licensed users who haven't accessed the site within a specified period of time and revoke their permissions to streamline inventory management.

Example: Cancel product access for all users who have not used the product in the past 3 months.

  • 1.Specify the period in the past 3 months
  • 2.Filter product access by Valid
  • 3.Filter activity by Inactive
  • 4.Select user
  • 5.Click Revoke Product Access

Learn more about the operation guide from the link below.

Audit log Audit log

Audit logs are stored indefinitely and can be downloaded by users at any time, so the retention period is no longer an issue for audit management during implementation and operation.

The data is stored in the S3 storage provided by D-Accel by default however, the storage location can be changed to the S3 storage provided by the user.

Learn more about the operation guide from the link below.

Audit logs are collected at 9:00 a.m. every morning, and the past audit logs will be stored retrospectively upon the first time.

Product Data Statistics Product Data Statistics

Monthly statistics enable tracking of project, issue, space, page, and attached file numbers for products across multiple sites. This leads to a comprehensive product usage status and making optimal decisions.

The usage status displays the data recorded since the installation of the app.

User Activity User Activity

Monthly statistics allow you to check not only the number of users who have been granted licenses for products across multiple sites, but also the number of users who are actually accessing the product. This leads to a comprehensive user activity status and making optimal decisions.

With an Enterprise plan, enable the toggle to see aggregate active users (unique users across sites) over time according to the Enterprise plan's user hierarchy.

Learn more about the operation guide from the link below

The usage status displays the data recorded since the installation of the app.

IP Allow List IP Allow List

Enabling a comprehensive check of the IP addresses for which access permission has been set for the site and the applicable products.

Additionally, batch updates can be made in an Excel file, and changes are highlighted to prevent human configuration errors.

Compatible Products

Product name Plan
Jira Software
Jira Cloud




Jira Service Management
Jira Service Management Cloud




Jira Product Discovery
Jira Product Discovery Cloud


Confluence Cloud






To install D-Accel, you need to have Jira Cloud or Confluence Cloud.

Data Center version (On-premises) is not supported.

Installation steps

D-Accel is a free app only for our eligible clients. To avoid regular app usage fees, please contact us before installing.

Frequently Asked Questions

QCan I install D-Accel even in a site environment with IP restrictions?
QCan only one person be registered as a D-Accel administrator?

AYou can register multiple administrators.

QDoes D-Accel support multi-factor authentication?

AYes, it does.


To use D-Accel, you need to install Jira Cloud or Confluence Cloud.

Please find the Terms and Conditions for D-Accel below.

D-Accel Terms and Conditions